TOTAL MARKS:   35                            CHAPTER-1                                              TIME: 40 mint
Q-1 MCQs                                                                                                                                               (05)
1)      Which one of the following element is present in highest concentration in ocean?
a)      Argon            b) Silicon       c) Aluminum     d) Oxygen
2)      Which one of them is not separated by physical method?
a)      Mixture         b) Element       c) Compound    d) Radicals
3)      One atomic mass unit ( amu) is equal to
a)      1.66*10-24 mg   b) 1.66*10-24 g     c) 1.66*10-24 kg   d) 1.66*10-23 g
4)      The molar mass of H2SO4 is
a)      98 g               b) 98 amu       c) 9.8 g      d) 9.8 amu
5)      8 g of CO2 is equal to how many no of moles?
a)0.15                     b) 0.18     c) 0.21       d) 0.24
Q-2 Give the short answer of following                                                                                                      (20)
1)      Differentiate industrial chemistry and Analytical Chemistry.
2)      What is scope of Biochemistry?
3)      Define empirical formula and give its example?
4)      Calculate the formula mass of K2SO4.
5)      Define Valiancy and what is variable valiancy?
6)      Define Atomic Number and Atomic Mass Number?
7)      Differentiate between ION and Free Radical?
8)      What is Molecular Ion?
9)      What is     Gram Molecule Mass and Gram Formula Mass?
10)   Define Mole and Avogadro’s Number.
Q-3 Give the detail answer of following                                                                                        (10)
1)      Differentiate Between Mixture and Compounds.
2)      Define Molecule and what are the different types of Molecules?

TOTAL MARKS:35                                    CHAPTER-2                                         TIME: 40 mint
Q-1 MCQs                                                                                                                                               (05)
1)      Who discover the proton?
a)      Gold styne         b) JJ - Thomsan      c) Neil-Bohar     d) Ruthorford
2)      What is the base of the electronic configuration?
a)      Ionization energy       b) electron affinity      c) mass number    d) atomic number
3)      In p subshell how many electron are filled
a)      2               b) 4                    c) 5                    d) 6
4)      Who give the concept of orbit
a)      JJ Thomson               b) Planck’s    c) Rutherford     d) Neil Bohar
5)      Which shell is present in four sub shell?
a)K                    b) L                 c) M                      d) N            
Q-2 Give the short answer of following                                                                                                      (20)
1)      Define carbon dating.
2)      Write two properties of canal Rays?
3)      Define Isotopes?
4)      Differentiate between shell and sub shell?.
5)      Write the electronic configuration of Nitrogen?
6)      Write the observation of Rutherford’s Experiment?
7)      Write the uses of isotopes in Radiotherapy?
8)      Define Nuclear fission reaction?
9)      Why positive rays are called canal rays?
10)   Write 3 properties of Neutron?.
Q-3 Give the detail answer of following                                                                                        (10)
1)      Write the 5 properties of Cathode Rays..
2)      What are the uses of Isotopes in Medicine and Determination of fossil fuels??

Total Marks: 35                                CHAPTER-3                                      Time: 40 mint
Q-1.MCQs                                                                                                        (05)
1)      In  normal period the no of elements is  
a)      18       b) 10                c)  8                 d)     32 
2)       What is atomic radius of carbon?
a)      67 pm          b)   77 pm             c) 87 pm        d)  97 pm
3)        What is the difference between the electro negativity of chlorine and hydrogen.
a)      1.0                b)  1.6             c)  1.8                  d)  2.0
4)       What are the names of group 17 elements?
a)      Halogens    b)   Nobel gases  c) alkaline earth metals    d)  Carbon family
5)       6TH Period has the no of elements?
a)      18            b)  32     c) 54             d)  80 
Q-2  Give short answer of following                                                                                             (20)
1)      Define Mendeleev periodic ,s law ?
2)      What is the trend of atomic size in periods and groups ?
3)       Define electron affinity and give one example?
4)       Define electrongativity?
5)       How Newland s arranged the elements?
6)       How many elements are present in Periods-1 , Periods-2 , Periods-6?
7)       Define transition metals?
8)       What is classification of elements on the basis of blocks?
9)        Why electron affinity decreased along periods from left to right?
10)    Define shielding effect and what is its trend in periods?
Q-3 Give the detail answer                                                                                                               (10)
1)        Write a note ionization energy ?
2)      What are silent features of long form of modern periodic table?

Total Marks: 35                          CHAPTER-4                                             Time: 40 mint
Q-1.MCQs                                                                                                        (05)
6)      How many electrons are involved in triple covalent bonding ?  
b)      6                   b) 3                c)  8                 d)     4
7)       Which one of them is an ionic compound?
b)      HCl              b)   CH4             c) NaCl        d)  BF3
8)        Which type of force is present in Hydrogen bonding?.
b)      Metallic force    b)  Attractive force             c)  intermolecular force      d)  covalent force
9)       How many bonds are present in N2 molecule?
b)      Single covalent    b)   double covalent  c) triple covalent    d)  none of them
10)    Which one of them is a polar covalent bond?
b)      H2                 b)  Cl2     c) CH4             d)  HCl 
Q-2  Give short answer of following                                                                                             (20)
11)   How polarity occur in covalent bond ?
12)   Why atoms forms chemical bond   ?
13)    What is the difference between bonding and non bonding electrons?
14)    Define intermolecular force with an example?
15)   What are ionic solids give two properties?
16)    Define transition temperature.
17)    Differentiate between crystalline and amorphous solids ?
18)    Define co-ordinate covalent bonding .
19)    Write two properties of covalent solids?
20)    Differentiate between polar and non polar compounds?
Q-3 Give the detail answer                                                                                                               (10)
3)        Write the formation of NaCl by ionic bonding ?
4)      Define and explain different types of covalent bond?

TOTAL MARKS:35                                    CHAPTER-5                                               TIME: 40 mint
Q-1 MCQs                                                                                                                                               (05)
6)      In freezing point which condition is present in dynamic equilibrium?
b)      Gas & Solid            b) Liquid & Gas      c) Liquid & Solid     d) All
7)      If temperature can be increased then vapour pressure will?
b)      Increase       b) Decrease      c) Both    d) Never increase and decreased
8)      Which one of them is a crystalline solid
b)      Salt NaCl   b) Plastic     c) Rubber   d) Wood
9)      What is the value of Absolute Zero
b)      273.15 k               b) -273.15 Co      c) 273.15 Co      d) None
10)   Which one of the Gas can diffuse faster?
a)H2                     b) He     c) Cl2       d) F2
Q-2 Give the short answer of following                                                                                                      (20)
11)   Define Diffusion with one example.
12)   Define Standard atmospheric pressure and what are its units?
13)   Why Gases has low density then liquid?
14)   Define evaporation and what is the effect of surface area on evaporation?.
15)   At 100 Co what allotropic form of Sulpher can exist?
16)   What is Relation between boiling point of liquid and evaporation?
17)   Differentiate between amorphous and crystalline solids?
18)   Convert 850 mmHg , 205000 Pa into atm?
19)   Define vapour pressure and what is the effect of  intermolecular forces on vapour pressure?
20)   Define allotropy with example?.
Q-3 Give the detail answer of following                                                                                        (10)
3)      Write a note on BOYLE,s Law with experiment.
4)      A Gas has a volume 350 cm3 and 650 mmHg . If its pressure reduced to 325 mmHg then what is its new volume??

Total Marks: 35                                 CHAPTER-6                         Time: 40 mint
Q-1.MCQs                                                                                                        (05)
11)   Fog is an example of which type of solution ?  
c)       Liqid  in gas                   b) liquid in solid             c)  liquid in liqid                 d)     liqid in solid
12)    Which of the following is an example of heterogeneous mixture?
c)       milk                               b)   ink                               c) milk of magnesia           d)  sugar solution
13)     Which of the solution show tyndel effect?.
c)       Sugar solution             b)  paints                          c)  jelly                                  d)  none of these
14)    When a saturated solution becomes diluted it is called?
c)       Super saturated        b)   unsaturated                c) concentrated                  d)  none of them
15)    If solute solute forces are more stronger then solute solvent forces then the solute will be?
c)       Easly soluble              b)  sparingly soluble        c) insoluble                d)  soluble and form ppt
Q-2  Give short answer of following                                                                                             (20)
21)   What is difference between solution and true solution ?
22)   Define saturated solution with example   ?
23)    Define molarity and write its formula.
24)    What is   W/V  % solution?
25)    Why colloidal solution show tyndel effect?
26)   Define solubility.
27)    What are suspension solution ?
28)    What is the simple method of solubility of a solute in solvent .
29)    Define super saturated solution?
30)    Write the two example of colloidal and suspension solution?
Q-3 Give the detail answer                                                                                                               (10)
5)        What is the effect of temperature on solubility?
6)        Write the five properties of colloidal solution?

TOTAL MARKS: 35                                  CHAPTER-7                                       TIME: 40 mint
Q-1 MCQs                                                                                                                                               (05)
11)   The formula of rust of iron is ?
c)       Fe2O3            b) Fe(OH)3      c) Fe2O3nH2O     d) Fe(OH)3nH2o
12)   Pure water is an example of ?
c)       Weak electrolyte      b) Strong electrolyte      c) Strong acid   d) Strong base
13)   In OF2 the oxidation number of Oxygen is
c)       -2                    b) +2         c) +1        d) -1
14)   Which of one is not an electrolyte
c)       Sugar solution               b) CaCO3 solution      c) H2SO4 solution      d) NaCl Solution
15)   What is the oxidation number of Chlorine is KCLO3?
a) +4                   b) -2         c) +5             d) -1   
Q-2 Give the short answer of following                                                                                                      (20)
21)   Define spontaneous and non spontaneous reactions?
22)   What is an electrolytic cell ?
23)   What is oxidation number of N in HNO3 ?
24)   Define Rusting of iron what is its formula ?.
25)   Define oxidation and reduction with one example each?
26)   What is the role of oxygen in rusting of iron?
27)   Differentiate between strong and weak electrolyte?
28)   Define electroplating and how electroplating of silver can be done?
29)   What is the construction of an electrolytic cell?
30)   Differentiate between galvanic and electrolytic cell?.
Q-3 Give the detail answer of following                                                                                        (10)
5)      Write a note of Electrolysis of Water.
6)      What are the preventive method for the corrosion of iron??

TOTAL MARKS:35                                     CHAPTER-8                                               TIME: 40 mint
Q-1 MCQs                                                                                                                                               (05)
16)   What is the most light element is  ?
d)      Li          b) Na     c) Mg      d) Ca
17)   In which physical form of Hg is present ?
d)      Solid       b) liquid      c) Gas   d) Plasma
18)   What is the most maliable meatal
d)      Na                   b)  K        c) Ca        d) C
19)   What is the most hard non metal in which of the following
d)      Graphaite               b) P       c) Diamond      d) Ioine
20)   What is the most precious metal from them?
a) Ag                  b) Au         c) Pt             d) Fe   
Q-2 Give the short answer of following                                                                                                      (20)
31)   Define metal and give two physical properties?
32)   Write two uses of Silver?
33)   Write two uses of Gold?
34)   Define electro positivity and what is its trend in Periods and Groups?.
35)   Define metallic character?
36)   Define 1st ionization and 2nd ionization energy of metals?
37)   Write 4 chemical properties of metals?
38)   Why alkali metals are more active then alkaline earth metals?
39)   Write three uses of non metals?
40)   Give two uses of Platinum?
Q-3 Give the detail answer of following                                                                                        (10)
7)      Write the chemical properties of Non Metals.
8)      What is the importance of non metals in life??


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